e-Why, What & How · 2019-08-13

How to increase your TikTok fans – e-Why, What & How

Like every other social media platform, one of the needs of TikTok is to have a large number of followers. You will enjoy making “TikToks” even more when you have a lot of  people who can view your videos, turning you into a minor celebrity.

So how to increase your TikTok fans? Here are some simple tips & tricks:

Work on profile & Content: Optimizing your profile is one of the surest ways to leave a strong impression on people who view it & help you gain greater recognition. The success of most of the other strategies you employ to increase followers depends on how optimized & charming your profile is.

Everything from your username to your bio & even the type of Content you create should be remarkable. You should make your profile unique & ensure that you have impressive concepts for videos. Capture clear footage & use editing apps to make the videos look more attractive. Make the Content interactive.

The follow & unfollow trick: This is an age-long trick for gaining followers on different platforms, including TikTok. Although it seems like a silly thing to do, following & unfollowing influential users will get them to look at your profile & if it is charming enough you might eventually get a follow back.

A similar trick is to connect with popular TikTok users one way or another. This can be by simply following them & commenting regularly on their videos. If your comments are always spot on, you stand a chance of getting noticed by them. You can also collaborate with friends to make duet videos & both of you can benefit.

Join viral challenges: Once in a while, viral challenges break out on TikTok, like on other social media platforms. One smart move that can help you gain followers is to upload a video using the trending hashtag. This way, your videos will show up when people search for that hashtag & you will get more followers.

Be short, concise but consistence: Although TikTok has a 60 second limit for videos captured by the app, videos uploaded from your phone can be as long as you want. However, you stand a better chance of engaging followers if you keep the videos short & to the point. Consistency is a better strategy. Uploading interesting Content regularly (at least twice a day) will show people that visit your profile just how serious you are.

Upload Content at “magic hours”: Sharing Content that will garner lots of attention is a matter of strategy. Try to time the videos to coincide with the time frame that people are more likely to be Online. This is called the magic hours.

Use other social networks: Another way to increase exposure is by using other social media platforms as well. This will help boost your overall online reputation especially if you use the same name across all platforms. Sharing TikToks to multiple platforms also increases the chance of it going viral so take advantage of that.

In conclusion

It takes some effort to get noticed on any social media platform. Thus, you should focus on having fun & enjoying yourself while trying to increase your fanbase. With time & the right strategy, your popularity will increase.

Image Credit: TikTok

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