Web · 2018-10-26

Debugger for microservices, ‘SQUASH’ showcases apps via virtual machine – #Startups

debugger for microservicesDeveloping applications is a multi-faceted process. Not only must code be written, compiled & deployed, it must also be tested, debugged, & then shared between team members, as also demonstrated to clients. When programs are ready for testing & debugging, developers generally want to push changes as quickly as possible & see the results running on their operating system of choice.

Additionally, they might need to see several versions of their code in order to select the best. Moreover, they also need to demo more than 1 version of the code while showcasing apps to clients. ‘SQUASH’, a debugger for microservices, has built an innovative toolkit to address developers’ issues.

The Web app is built for Linux systems. SQUASH pulls ‘Git commits’ & deploys them to a virtual machine so that the program is available on a run-time operating platform which is independent of construction type. The only requirement is that a Docker File should be part of the code housed on the GitHub repository. This means, that apps can be tested, shared & demonstrated without the developers using their own servers.

Squash details a 3 step procedure of use:

  • Connect to a GitHub account, select repositories SQUASH can access.
  • Add any code necessary, create a pull request & receive a personal URL, which accesses the app via the Internet.
  • On opening the link, a virtual machine is created to showcase the app in real-time, which is conducive to debugging & showcasing scenarios.

SQUASH believes that its tools save developers time & money; developers do not need to maintain their own servers to run their applications & the URL provided by it becomes inactive if not on view, saving operating costs. Overall, SQUASH aims to reduce what is known in the industry as “technical debt”.



– This is a startup profile based on publicly available material & not a review – 



Image Credit: SQUASH

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