Web · 2016-09-04

Copy & retrieve your Content quickly on your Mac with ‘Pastebot’


With this versatile clipboard manager you no longer have to rely on your vanilla copy & paste function that comes with Mac OS X. Pastebot creates custom pasteboards for those clippings that you use most often & powerful filters can be applied as you paste.

Pasteboard stores the last 200 items you copy & with its custom pasteboards feature you can store permanent clippings which will never go away until you manually delete them or delete the whole pasteboard. Keyboard shortcuts can be defined to instantly recall the custom pasteboards into a quick paste menu.

1 of Pasteboard’s most interesting features is the filters, which enables the ability to modify clippings before you paste them.  Custom filters can be organized into groups & a number of them come pre-installed with Pastebot, like “Wrap text in Paragraph Tags”, “Convert to Lowercase”, “Emoji Remover”, “Encode URL”, etc. You can also assign a shortcut key to quickly apply the last filter used.

If you create a complex filter that you’re especially fond of you can save the filter to a file that you can share with other Pastebot users & you can drag a filter to a filter group to import it or just double-click on the file icon.

Pastebot is a native Mac OS X app, so the interface is very similar to the ‘Finder’, with a sidebar that contains & lets you organize both your filters & clippings. It has a toolbar that enables view adjustments & its Content area displays clippings & filters. You can either show or hide, in preferences, the app as a menu bar icon & define a keyboard shortcut to invoke the quick paste menu.

If you have sensitive data that you clip, like passwords, credit card numbers, etc, Pasteboard will automatically ignore copies from apps that mark data as transient. You can also manually add apps to Pastebot’s blacklist in the settings.

Pastebot runs on MacOS 10.11 and later & has been developed by Tapbots, a North America-based outfit (Texas, California & Canada) that’s been around since 2008. It’s perhaps best known for Tweetbot, a popular Twitter client that runs on Mac & iOS. A public Beta has just been released & you can use it free by downloading it from the product page here.

– This post is merely a startup profile based on publicly available information & not a review. – 

Image Credit: Pastebot




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