Software · 2021-07-29

Announcing: Android’s modern toolkit for building native UI – Software

Android jetpack compose

Google has launched version 1.0 of Android Jetpack Compose, Android’s modern, native UI toolkit to “help developers build better apps faster.”

It announced from its official blog that Compose had been under development for the last two years. By the time it reached version 1.0, there were already over 2000 apps in the Play Store using Compose.

Now, this 1.0 release of the Android Jetpack Compose was ready for use in open production, offering the following features:

  • Interoperable: Compose is built to interoperate with your existing app. You can embed compose UIs within Views or Views within Compose.
  • Jetpack Integration: Compose is built to integrate with the Jetpack libraries. With integration with Navigation, Paging, LiveData (or Flow/RxJava), ViewModel & Hilt, Compose works with your existing architecture.
  • Material: Compose offers an implementation of Material Design components & theming, making it easy to build apps that reflect your brand. The Material theming system is easier to understand & trace, without having to consult multiple XML files.
  • Lists: Compose’s Lazy components offer a simple, succinct but powerful way to efficiently display lists of data, with minimal boilerplate.
  • Animation: Compose’s simple & coherent animation APIs make it easy for creating animations.

Google also said the “powerful layout APIs & code-driven UI” made it easy to support different form factors like Tablets & foldables. Also, compose support was coming for WearOS, Homescreen Widgets, etc.

Image credit: Google

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