digital marketing / Web · 2018-10-30

Web push notification remarketing solution gives visitors reason to return – Marketing

Following up on a lead is 1 of the most important tasks in retaining visitors to your Site in the sales funnel & also ensuring that they make a purchase at the end of the day. Web push notification remarketing solution by ‘Ve’ offers to remarket your products to your customers conveniently & effectively.

Ve is the GDPR compliant way to deliver relevant promotional messages & reminders to your customers. The use of unobtrusive Web push notifications also guarantees that your business is relevant to them even after they have left your Website, claims this startup.

The platform uses browser-based push notifications to deliver concise messages to your customers across various platforms & browsers to ensure that your brand or product is never forgotten. Ve’s personalized basket reminders warrants that your customers always return to complete pending transactions, thereby trimming down cases of abandoned carts on your Website. Furthermore, the platform sends reminders to your customers with links to the abandoned products to ensure that they come back to your Site to purchase them.

In order to give past visitors a reason to return to your Site, the platform sends them promotional Web push notifications about your latest promotions & offers. This may help you to convert more leads in the long run.

Moreover, visitors are presented with a compelling message that encourages them to sign up for push notifications. Once they give their consent, they receive customer focused notifications that are fully compliant with data protection regulations straight to their devices notwithstanding their current Online browsing.

You may sign up for either options; the self-service option which allows users to design & manage their own campaigns using insights from Ve that charges some commission on any sales completed, or you may contact the Ve team for the managed service option.





– This is a startup profile based on publicly available material & not a review – 



Image Credit: Ve

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