Web · 2018-12-28

Replace chunky links with shorter & foxier ones with ‘LinkFox’ – #Startups

url shortener

‘LinkFox’ is a free URL shortener that offers a quick & innovative way to reduce clunky URLs into more foxier & shorter ones. LinkFox not only makes it possible to reduce long URLs into shorter bits but also gives users complete control over their shortened URL allowing them to customize it, redirect it, among a long list of other management tools from the same dashboard.

LinkFox has a simple & easy to use interface. To use this URL shortener, you simply paste your long link into the field provided & click on ‘shorten’. This method automatically shortens your link instantly. However, you can also take advantage of the more advanced options to further customize & configure your links according to your preferences thus helping you to brand your shortened URLs better.

You can customize your links with real words rather than ordinary URLs using the “create custom alias” button. You can also set a link expiration date after which your shortened URL becomes inactive. You can add a short description for easy identification. LinkFox also provides a way to add password protection to your links to help keep the stats private to you alone.

Another unique feature of LinkFox is geotargeting. This feature allows you to customize your URLs to redirect to specific Web pages. This way you can redirect your URLs to splash pages for your business marketing. You can also make use of the device targeting function to make your shortened URL redirect automatically to AppStore or Playstore based on the type of devices whether it is an iPhone or an Android device.

All of LinkFox’s basic & advanced features are available free of charge.


– This is a startup profile based on publicly available material & not a review – 


Image Credit: LinkFox

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