Web · 2019-10-28

Digital safe deposit box for passwords – Startups

password managers

These days we use passwords for everything from Wi-Fi to more sensitive accounts like emails, bank information, social security details & so on. In a world where there is an ever-increasing focus on the need to keep confidential data safe using encrypted systems & password managers, one big question very few people are asking is what happens to all these private data when you are not around anymore & your family members need to access them. 

While existing password managers are great for storing this information, the obvious limitation is that no one can access these sensitive pieces of information in case the owner of the account is incapacitated or dead (an unfortunate but possible eventuality for anyone). 

Passbox is designed to solve this problem. It claims to be your “digital safe deposit box” that allows you to create confidential or sensitive data that your loved ones can access in your absence. It works just like your everyday password manager but the information stored on Passbox will be accessible to those who need to see them only when you want them to & not before then. 

Once you sign up on Passbox, you can start creating notes & add details of your account logins. The platform also allows you to import data from your existing password managers such as LastPass, Bitwarden, & 1Password. You can then create groups for the notes you have created & then assign them to specific users. An invite will be sent to the users you have added. 

So how do invited users have access to your account in your absence? The process is very simple. Invited users will be able to request access to the group of data you have added them to. You will be sent a notification of any request & you can choose to deny the request if you don’t want them to have access yet. If the request is not denied within the waiting period you have specified, access will be granted to the user. Grouping your information this way means users will only have access to the data on the group you have assigned them to & nothing more. 

You can sign up for a free account that allows you to store up to 3 items & grant access to only one user. If you want more functionality such as unlimited notes & groups, & the possibility of adding several users, you can upgrade to the premium package. The company is based in Miami, Florida.

Image Credit: Passbox

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