AI startups · 2023-04-19

“MobileGPT” puts power of AI in your pocket – Startups

“MobileGPT” is ChatGPT on mobile. The app, developed by Bertha Kgokong of Johannesburg, South Africa, connects with ChatGPT & DALLE2 APIs to bring an AI assistant to your mobile device that you can easily access via WhatsApp. It’s like having a super-intelligent, artistic friend available to answer questions, draw pictures & create professional documents for you on the fly 24/7.

The app allows users to interact with AI directly on their mobile devices. Users can chat with the bot & ask questions. The responses are intelligent, knowledgeable & problem solving. As with ChatGPT, MobileGPT can carry on an entire conversation rather than just offer short non-contextual answers.

In addition to the chat facility, MobileGPT allows users to create amazing images simply from detailed text input. Users can generate AI images directly on WhatsApp & download them to their device or send them on to their human friends & family.

However, MobileGPT can do even more : it can create Word documents with the correct structure, titles, & details, which users can then use to generate emails, essays, blog posts, product descriptions & much, much more. Documents created using MobileGPT will always be grammatically correct, intelligible & professional, saving users time & money. The app puts convenience in your pocket.

MobileGPT is free to use for the first 24 hours & then if users like what they see they can subscribe at the cost of $20/month.

Image credit: MobileGPT

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