Mobile / Web · 2021-01-22

“Tweetline Podcast”: converting Twitter Timeline into podcasts – Startups

Twitter is one of the most popular social media platforms around. Currently it has about 340 million monthly active users & 187 million daily active users.

Like all social media platforms, working with Twitter takes time; scrolling your feed to catch-up on tweets can take a serious chunk out of your day. As a result, an Indie mobile app development team from Uruguay, Mtheorysoft, came up with the idea to transform Twitter feeds into podcasts so that users could listen to their tweets rather than read them — giving Twitter users the time to concentrate on other tasks such as driving, doing their chores & so on, while getting all the news from the platform. It is basically turning your Twitter timeline into a podcast.

Twitter podcast

App developer Martin Wolff, one of the brains behind Tweetline Podcast app has developed several successful apps in the past, most notably “The Joker”, which offers a selection of jokes suitable for all ages, & is one of the most popular joke apps on the Google Play & Apple App Stores, particularly for Spanish users. A selection of apps built by Mtheorysoft are available on its Website.

The team behind Tweetline harnessed their experience to build a Voice-first product that creates a personalised podcast for each user, based on their Twitter timeline. The team told Whats New On The Net in an email that the app is built with Google’s Flutter framework, which is one of the most modern & popular Dart SDKs available. Tweetline Podcast offers a unique set of tools, which are easy to work with & provide a very useful result. The app can be downloaded free of charge from both the Google Play & Apple App Stores.

It has the following set of features tailored specifically to enhance the Twitter experience:-

  1. Listen automatically to the last tweets in your timeline just pressing the “start speaking” button
  2. Pause at any time or move to the next or previous tweet
  3. Scroll to the tweet you’d like to read or listen
  4. Tweet view with text, images & videos incorporated in the app
  5. Video reproduction incorporated in the app
  6. Seamless navigation to & from Twitter official app or web
  7. Automatic optional translation of all foreign language tweets
  8. Image & video download to your device
  9. Content sharing with all available social media

Tweetline Ppodcast is particularly relevant for busy people who want to stay abreast of their Twitter timeline, since users can listen to a podcast while they are exercising, or otherwise engaged in other activities. Tweetline is also most useful for sight challenged people, who will, now, due to Mtheorysoft’s innovation, be able to take advantage of Twitter with all its interesting & useful news.

Image credit: Tweetline Podcast

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