Web · 2019-12-04

This platform allows you to create Content in various formats – Startups

Content formats

Running a business today is not only about sales & numbers. In an age of information overload, it is vital that you choose the right format to reach out to your target audience. Business leaders need to pay utmost attention to what we call their “Online bottom-line.”

A company’s Website is one of the biggest revenue channels but only if it has apt Content, which makes it only as effective as it is visible. The “right” Content is what sets a business apart, & while it is important to say the right thing, there is a right format to say it in for best results. Hence, it is important for every business to understand investing in quality content.

But how do you decide what type of Content will sell your brand? Or what Content format to use to ensure high visibility? Worry not. A London-based startup Felix will help instantly transform your source Content into super-engaging formats that will give you an edge on social & foot-falls on your pages.

Founded in 2018 by 2 SaaS & digital marketing professionals, Felix has an AI-powered engine called ‘Scout’. Aimed mainly at publishers who have lost most of their audience’s attention to social media, Felix helps retain traffic by giving audiences more compelling opportunities to discover more Content.

Scout, a SaaS-based engine enables publishers to use their Content to create new user experiences that go beyond print of a Web ad or just use a smarter interface for the same ad inventory.

For example, Felix automatically ingests & indexes your articles the moment they’re published. It’s AI-Engine processes your Content & transforms it into an array of rich new, embeddable formats like swipeable stories, audio summaries, snackable video, article snippets & Content discovery collections.

For busy social marketers who need to keep their audience super-engaged all the time, Felix will ‘automagically’ transform Content into video, audio, Instagram stories & collections – ready for instant sharing on social media or embedding on to your source pages.

Felix’s basic version includes GIF & stock image library, & autopilot image finder along with ease to download & share on social media. It also delivers Felix-branded formats to your email inbox. This version is free. There are paid plans, too.

Image Credit: Felix

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