Web · 2018-09-19

This platform offers to aid publisher, Content writer – #Startups

If you are a frequent blogger, then you may have come across the following queries related to your Online blogging platform:

  • Can you publish fresh, engaging Content on a regular basis or do you need 3rd party assistance?
  • Have you got authority Content on your platform?
  • Is your blog producing sufficient income?
  • Is your blog featured on major search engines?

Now, if any of the areas mentioned above need improvement, you might to increase your brand awareness to support your blog. Just imagine if you could charge for the use of your Site as a platform to assist creatives or brands who wish to spread the word about their products or services. Sounds like a good idea? That’s where ‘Contento’ fits in.

Contento claims to solve this dilemma by offering to connect publishers with Content producers.

Here, publishers can:

  • Earn revenue from content you’re paid to distribute
  • Gain traction for your Site through boosted Web traffic
  • Increase SEO visibility by publishing authority pieces

However, Contento does not offer press releases but only ‘high-end’ Content from brands seeking exposure of their products or services. The platform claims that not only your Content will be easy to find but it’ll also be featured regularly.

It states that by using the service, brands or creatives can:

  • Gain exposure by contributing to well-respected publishing platforms
  • Increase the SEO factor for a brand or service through the ‘Golden Asset’; backlinks to your Website

The Content marketing platform also claims to offer niche or general audience. Contento promises that both brands & publishers can benefit from their database of assets. Moreover, brands looking to market their product to a specific audience are presented with multiple options.

Traditionally, bloggers wishing to feature guest posts would need to advertise extensively to find suitable content & they’d seldom be able to charge for their platform once a candidate was found. Alternatively, creatives or brands who wish to grow their presence, would need to email potential publishers & request blogging slots.

Contento helps solve this dilemma too. For guest write-ups, it offers a network of publishers & make media outreach & management easy.



– This is a startup profile based on publicly available material & not a review – 
Image Credit: Contento

Don’t leave without reading this…

… we seek a favor. Online advertising revenues are falling, especially for media Sites. Also, as you may have realized, unlike many media & publishing organizations, we haven’t put up a paywall – we firmly believe that information, including our content must be accessible by all across the globe. But content takes a time & money to produce. If you’ve read the above piece & liked it, we urge you to contribute in our support.




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