Voices · 2020-12-17

What should happen in 2021 – but won’t – Voices

This article 1st appeared on our sister Site, The Internet Of All Things.

This article is a guest post by Nigel Thorpe, Technical Director, SecureAge. All views/opinions/suggestions are his. This Website may or may not subscribe to them.

Instead of predicting more malware, ransomware attacks and data theft, the cyber security industry needs to stop trying to prevent access to IT systems and take a new data-centric approach, says Nigel Thorpe, technical director at SecureAge, who looks at some predictions that should come true in 2021, but probably won’t.

“Organisations should accept the reality that it is just not possible to keep all cybercriminals out, all of the time,” says Thorpe. “The attack surface is getting bigger as the remote and hybrid office provides a softer point of entry into the corporate network, while the insider threat is also extended as third-party service providers gain greater access to data and systems. But this acceptance of reality won’t happen quickly, because the traditional methodology is for organisations to add more layers of defence to stop bad actors getting in; or to accept the inevitable and have incident response plans and procedures in place to recover.”

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