News snapshots · 2021-03-04

Google’s Flutter toolkit upgrade adds support for desktop & Web apps – Quick wrap

Launched in 2018, Google has announced an update to Flutter development platform. Flutter 2 will allow developers to use the same codebase to build native apps for iOS, Android, Windows 10, macOS, & Linux & for the Web on browsers including Chrome, Firefox, Safari or Edge. It can also be embedded in an IoT device with a screen, such as cars, TVs, & home appliances.

Version 2 of Google’s Flutter toolkit adds support for desktop and web apps –

At an online event, Google today announced Flutter the newest version of its open-source UI toolkit for building portable apps. While Flutter started out with a focus on mobile when it first launched two years ago, it spread its wings in recent years and with version Flutter now supports web and desktop apps out of the box.

Link: Version 2 of Google’s Flutter toolkit adds support for desktop and web apps

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