Web · 2021-05-05

Startup acquisition marketplace – Startups

Young companies founded by one or more entrepreneurs are usually difficult to run effectively due to lack of sufficient funding. This is because, in most cases, they are being funded by the founders only.

For startups to strive & thrive in markets of today, it is very important to have access to adequate funding so as to help easily & efficiently develop & provide products or services that are unique to the target market. This is a one-sided view any way. On the other hand, SaaS business owners may also seek to cash out on their young business without having to cede ownership or control over your business. All this comes down to the act of business acquisitions. One of the best solutions to this problem is allowing other companies or individuals with better financial strength acquire such start-ups.

This is where MicroAcquire steps in as a lifesaver. MicroAcquire is an intermediary platform that helps link startup buyers with the most compatible start-up sellers and the other way around. Buying & selling of startups could be very difficult. Compatibility between startup owners & buyers cannot be underestimated, Finding the right buyer for your startup, likewise finding the right startup that meets your goals could very hard & time consuming.

Basically, MicroAcquire help startups find buyers & initiates conversations between the 2 parties that eventually may lead to successful acquisitions in just 30 days – for free. Simple as that. MicroAcquire provides by far the best experience regarding acquisition of SaaS companies. From initial reach out, to deal terms, you can be able to acquire a startup that best meets your target range within a few weeks. MicroAcquire proof to be very efficient as it is faster than the usual traditional financing & also helps cut acquisition costs.

Image credit: MicroAcquire

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