Web · 2019-01-03

Get responsive newsletters & email templates with ‘tabler email’ – #Startups

ready-made email templates

Ready-made email templates, anyone? For those who send out newsletters & various types of email messages, tabler email makes it easy to create your own responsive, mobile-optimized email messages. The platform offers up to 50 different attractive UI templates which have been tested to be quite effective for reaching a variety of email clients.

These bootstrap & material design-based templates have been proven to be effective in different email & messaging scenarios including e-commerce, invoice, statistics, reminders, invitation emails & so on. Tabler also gives you an option of contacting the developer to request for new templates for cases not currently covered making it functional for all purposes.

One of the things you will most likely love about tabler email is how it helps you to present data in a professional looking way. Tabler uses advanced data presentation to deliver reports in the form of charts & progress bars thus making it easier to understand data sent in your emails.

With no developer skills at all, you can create your own fully customized emails from the templates provided. You can change the color of the templates, replace background images, add icons or illustrations & so on. It comes with Gulp tasks prepared which means you simply need to create the email & execute the gulp task & you are done. The best part? Your mobile-optimized emails can be prepared & ready in less than 5 minutes.

Tabler is a project by Paweł Kuna a Polish Web developer. Tabler is maintained by coldcalm.net.


– This is a startup profile based on publicly available material & not a review – 


Image Credit: tabler email


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