Web · 2021-07-12

Readow will find your next best read with the help of AI – Startups

If you’re wondering how to find a book as good as the best book you’ve ever read? Well Readow might just have the solution to your problem. The platform offers an AI-built book suggestion algorithm that curates a list of books based on users’ preferences. Sounds pretty awesome, doesn’t it?

Readow has a simple & easy to navigate interface, users only need to use the Website’s Online form to input their best ever book & then the programming AI bot takes over to offer a selection of reads which might suit their taste. Multiple lists are offered & users can browse through the bot’s suggestions while adding interesting titles to their wish list or purchase cart. The website connects users to book marketplaces such as Amazon.com, where they can buy any book that the bot has recommended.

Another cool feature offered by Readow is that if a user doesn’t like a particular suggestion made by the AI bot they can simply delete it from their list. Basically, this means that readers will be able to condense a list of books that are based on their particular preferences. Readow’s suggestions are not directed by an e-commerce recommendations algorithm(advertising), which they say are often influenced by publishers’ promotions & other marketing specific choices – their system only takes readers’ tastes into consideration.

Readow was created as a research & development project at MORAI, & was put together by a team of mathematicians, programmers, & big data developers who were interested in artificial intelligence & machine learning research. Recommendations are generated by Readow’s AI system, which analyzes huge amounts of data that includes reviews & ratings from real readers & book lovers for specific books. The Website’s suggestions are 100% free to use, so there’s absolutely no reason for readers to give this great opportunity a miss.

Image credit: Readow

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