Web · 2021-04-12

Productivity tool “RoughBook” helps you save important notes, WebPages, URLs – Startups

There are zillions of notes taking apps that help in organizing notes. But what about notes which we just want to write-down (type-down) & organize later. In such cases, we end up using the old route: a pen & paper, or just rely on our memory to remember things. Thus, the problem in focus is not being able to quickly add notes & the difficulties in searching for them later.

Now there’s a solution called “RoughBook” to handle this pain point. It’s a Chrome extension which, according to its developer Naveeta Pareek, will expand to other platforms, too. Pin RoughBook to your browser & just keep adding whatever comes to your mind. If you want them to be organized, just use simple hashtags.

Here are some features & benefits of RoughBook:

Quick Notes & Reminders: It takes just quick 2-3 clicks to add your thoughts or schedule a reminder

Hashtags: Write your thoughts the way you write in your fav social networking platform. You can then search all the notes related to a particular hashtag.

Save current URL: You are on a very important Webpage, & just 2 clicks will help save the URL. You can even hashtag the URL.

Send Notes: Email, WhatsApp or Slack selected notes through the extension itself.

Chrome Extension: It will be with your Chrome browser, & thus just pin it for some quick actions.

Delete Notes & Restore: Delete unwanted notes but restore as & when required.

Edit Notes Multiple Times: Edit notes multiple times & you know what is changed & when.

RoughBook helps us to spend time on what is important rather than trying to save it using the old methods. Just capture all your URLs, etc in one click & even send them to your friends by email or WhatsApp.

Image credit: RoughBook

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