Internet of Things · 2020-06-11

Over 50% of IoT devices have ‘123456’ as password – IoT

This article was 1st published on our sister Site, The Internet Of All Things.

Even as the number of attacks on Internet of Things (IoT) is up, guess which was the most used password in the “top ten passwords” used in attacks on the devices? It was 123456, according to a report by Online security firm Symantec.

In its report, ‘Threat Landscape Trends Q1- 2020’, Symantec said IoT honeypots attacks were up 13 percent in Q1 compared to Q4 of 2019.

A Symantec’s IoT honeypot emulates protocols used by virtually all IoT devices, such as routers, connected cameras, digital video recorders, and so on.

Most of the credentials used by attackers were default or easily guessable. The largest amount of attacks originated from IP addresses located in the U.S. followed by China, Vietnam, Taiwan, and South Korea. Since attacks are carried out by botnets of infected IoT devices, these countries have the highest number of infected IoT devices.

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