Artificial Intelligence · 2023-08-23

OpenAI Empowers Custom Data Integration in GPT-3.5 Turbo for Enhanced AI Customization and Performance

Customers of OpenAI now have the capability to incorporate their own custom data into GPT-3.5 Turbo, the streamlined variant of GPT-3.5. This enhancement streamlines the process of enhancing the dependability of the text-generation AI model and instilling specific functionalities.

OpenAI asserts that finely tuned iterations of GPT-3.5 possess the capacity to equal or even surpass the fundamental capabilities of GPT-4, the company’s premier model, in relation to “particular focused tasks.”

In a recent blog post, the company expressed, “Following the launch of GPT-3.5 Turbo, there has been a significant demand from developers and businesses to personalize the model in order to craft distinctive and unparalleled user experiences. This update empowers developers to tailor models that exhibit superior performance within their designated applications and seamlessly deploy these personalized models on a large scale.”

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