Artificial Intelligence · 2020-07-24

What’s so great about GPT-3, the 1st general AI? – AI

The San Francisco, US-based OpenAI company has started to release the Generative Pre training or GPT-3 language generation tool to a select few, earlier this week. That has sent tongues wagging as people marvel at this a new piece of software.

GPT-3 can produce human-like text on demand. The software learned how to produce text by analyzing vast quantities on the Net & observing which letters & words tend to follow one another.

GPT-3: The First Artificial General Intelligence? –

If you had asked me a year or two ago when Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) would be invented, I’d have told you that we were a long way off. I wasn’t alone in that judgment. Most experts were saying that AGI was decades away, and some were saying it might not happen at all. The consensus is — was?

Link: GPT-3: The First Artificial General Intelligence?

OpenAI’s new GPT-3 language explained in under 3 minutes – TNW

So, you’ve seen some amazing GPT-3 demos on Twitter (if not, where have you been?). This mega machine learning model, created by OpenAI, can write it’s own op-eds, poems, articles, and even working code…

Link: OpenAI’s new GPT-3 language explained in under 3 minutes


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