NVIDIA Broadcast feature can make your eyes look at the camera even if they are not – News

Though this particular artificial intelligence (AI) development does not affect your life on the World Wide Web, it’s interesting, & could be helpful for video creators.

NVIDIA Broadcast has announced two “effects” in its tool for livestreaming & video conferencing – Eye Contact & Vignette, drastic enhancements to Virtual Background & more.

The new Eye Contact effect moves the eyes of the speaker to simulate eye contact with the camera — achieved by estimating & aligning gaze, says NVIDIA in this post. The eyes retain their natural color & blinks, & there’s even a disconnect feature in case you look too far away, to transition smoothly between simulated & real eyes. In short, what these chaps are saying is that the feature shows you making eye contact with the camera even though, in reality, you are looking somewhere else.

A Vignette effect – similar to those seen in apps like Instagram – has been integrated into Broadcast. It can be combined with a subtle Background Blur effect to get an AI-simulated bokeh visual on your webcam, instantly improving visual quality.

Image credit: NVIDIA

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