e-Why, What & How · 2021-04-06

Mozilla explains what cookies are – e-Why, What & How

Cookies are of 2 types: the ones you eat for nourishment; okay, sometimes in binge eating; & the other that you find in your browsers while surfing the Net. All of the latter are harmful, right? Wrong.

Open source Mozilla has put out a detailed note on what browser cookies are, how to recognize the black ones from the safe ones, how they work & so on & so forth.

For example, it states: When it comes to tracking, the best offense is a strong defense by preventing trackers from getting on your computer in the first place. Firefox blocks cookies from known trackers & scripts from known fingerprinting companies, a solid first line of defense.

So head over to the post to know more.

Courtesy: Mozilla

Image by Tumisu from Pixabay

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