Maker of China’s biggest open source gaming engine launches product for app dev – News

Chinese gaming app Cocos

Cocos, a leading Chinese mobile game development company & maker of Cocos2d-x, one of the largest open-source gaming engine in the world, recently announced a new product that will allow app developers to add customized mini-game centers within their app. The announcement was a part of the company’s 10th-anniversary celebrations.

Dubbed Cocos Play, the new platform will help new app developers with their monetization opportunities while boosting user retention & loyalty on their app. Cocos play is an infrastructure & technical runtime solution that makes it possible to add simple HTML5 games into a native app as mini-game centers.

In addition to helping app developers with new app monetization, these customized mini-game centers will also make it possible for app users to enjoy a rich gaming experience without the need to download the game onto their devices. The games will be tailored to a user’s gaming habits, & will include features that enable a gaming experience similar to native standalone gaming apps. This has the potentials to help improve user experience on non-gaming apps and increase user retention. 

Cocos Play will also be highly beneficial to HTML5 game developers. By integrating their games into several apps, they will be able to reach a wider audience & gain new opportunities while rewarding them in the process as well. Both the game developers & non-gaming apps that choose to incorporate Cocos play will be able to earn through a reward system built into the system.

Companies like Facebook, WeChat, Samsung & Oppo among others have been using Cocos’ technologies already with tools like Cocos Creator & Cocos AVG already helping these companies & their apps to expand their instant gaming ecosystem.

Image credit: Cocos Play

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