Google Home app finally has a “Hey, Google” sensitivity slider

Hey Google!’ now has a sensitivity slider built-in, as promised by Google earlier.

Google Home app finally has a “Hey, Google” sensitivity slider – Slash Gear

As smart and somewhat useful smart speakers and smart assistants have become, they have also become good for one unintended purpose. They have sometimes become the butt of jokes when citing comical anecdotes about smart speakers suddenly butting into conversations. They have also become sources of horror stories about unintentionally recording or, worse, sending audio clips that were not even meant to be heard by others.

Link: Google Home app finally has a “Hey, Google” sensitivity slider

Google finally lets you adjust ‘Okay Google’ sensitivity – TheNextWeb

There are two kinds of people in this world. Those whose smart devices never react to ‘Hey Google!’ and those whose devices are triggered way too often. Whichever camp you lie in, Google will at long last allow you to fine-tune your Assistant’s keyword sensitivity soon.


via: TheNextWeb

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