News snapshots · 2019-09-18

Finding key moments in a video is what Google will now help you with – Quick wrap

There’s a change in the way Google will surface video in search.

The Online search giant announced on its blog that the new change meant searchers could find key moments within videos & get to the information they were looking for faster, with help from Content creators.

Here’s what Google had to say:

When you search for things like how-to videos that have multiple steps, or long videos like speeches or a documentary, Search will provide links to key moments within the video, based on timestamps provided by Content creators. You’ll be able to easily scan to see whether a video has what you’re looking for, & find the relevant section of the Content. For people who use screen readers, this change also makes video Content more accessible.

These links to key moments will appear in Search in English for YouTube videos where creators have provided timestamp information in the video description. Google has also introduced a way for more Content creators across the Web to mark up their videos so they can be more easily searchable. 

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