Mobile · 2015-05-19

Create a landing page for your app within seconds – #Startup

Making landing pages was never so easy, claim these guys. AppLandr, a free app that helps you launch a landing page on Android or iOS  is designed “for developers & marketers alike” to save them time. Not only that, it saves countless hours of effort, too.

Creating a landing page using AppLandr requires just 3 steps & 5 seconds. It allows you to generate well-crafted landing pages for your mobile applications. All you need is to simply provide your app’s URL. Just by entering the URL in the given place on the Site, you can start creating endless number of landing pages.

AppLandr has various benefits, besides saving you hours of work. It gives a professional look to your landing page, selected by AppLandr. Further, all data is taken directly from the app store, so it’s always up to date & 100% accurate.

You can now get beta access to AppLandr by simply signing up at


Image Credit: AppLandr


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