Voices · 2019-12-07

Content intelligence – Voices

This is a personal opinion piece by the editor of this Website. This Site may or may not agree with the views expressed in it.

Content providers, marketers and clients have one common problem – how to understand whether a particular piece of content has resonated with its intended audience?

You can keep writing blog post after blog post, produce podcasts or videos but if you don’t know who is reading or watching them, it’s a fruitless exercise. Just imagine if your content that’s intended for a 25-35 years age group audience ends up being read by a 55-65 years age group. You need intelligence; insights that can be analyzed to give informed outputs that will help in the overall content and marketing decision-making.

For a long time now, measuring the effectiveness of your content has remained an enigma. Even today, there is no industry measurement standards, such is the nature of the content beast. But with artificial intelligence (AI) coming into the picture, things are now changing.

Machine learning (ML)- based content intelligence solutions are now being used by businesses to keep tabs on internal and external environments. These generate insights to provide marketers with the type, format and form of context most likely to get maximum RoI, the topics to write on or make videos about; even what product features to build and promote.

Algorithms are now telling managements how to optimize content for consumption and distribution.

Here’s what content intelligence can help deliver:

1) A granular understanding of your intended audience

2) The kind of content to develop

3) An improved marketing campaign

4) Better re-purpose existing content

5) The best channels to deliver the content

6) Future trends for content

Content intelligence enables content marketers to hit that sweet spot they so crave.

Like any other intelligence system, content intelligence, too, is structured:

  1. Collection of data collection from all channels, including social media, website visits, etc.
  2. Analyze the data and spot patterns and trends.
  3. Provide insights for now, and for the future, based on which your content can be optimized.

In a previous newsletter, I had mentioned how “personalization” is what today’s marketers aim for to attract leads, prospects or customers…..to make them buy, or buy more of whatever it is they want them to buy. Content Intelligence works in that direction.

Such a form of intelligence also allows a business to get an edge over competition. Because it can predict a future trend, a company’s marketing team can create content now in order to get ahead of the rest of the pack.

Machines are getting better at gathering intelligence, perhaps even better than humans when it comes to handling copious amounts of data. For those interested, already, there are several companies in the market now offering content intelligence packages. If you want me to point you in that direction, get in touch.

Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

I am an India-based Internet entrepreneur & Internet/digital/new media consultant. Old world journalist, author and communicator with over three decades of experience, I run my own firm, New Age Content Services LLP. We publish 5 Websites in the Internet, Web, and Tech domains.For a fuller explanation, go to www.newagecontentservices.com.
Sorab Ghaswalla
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