e-Why, What & How · 2019-05-09

5 popular alternatives to WordPress – e-Why, What & How

popular WordPress alternatives

pixelcreatures / Pixabay

WordPress is arguably the most popular content management system (CMS) around. But that isn’t to say it is the only option out there or even the best option for you. Despite the high level of functionalities & features available on WordPress, there are still plenty of reasons you might want to try out an entirely different platform. If you looking for WordPress alternatives specifically for blogging here are some of the popular WordPress alternatives you can try out.


Although Ghost has only been around for a short while, the open-source blogging platform is fast becoming one of the most popular WordPress alternatives. Built on a NodeJS framework, Ghost is designed specifically for blogging. It is one of the simplest & clutter-free CMS systems out there & is best suited for bloggers who are just starting out. Although it lacks the robust functionality of WordPress, Ghost has a simpler & more intuitive dashboard. The text editor is also more advanced.


If you want to create a simple personal Web space for yourself where you can publish your stories seamlessly without using WordPress, Medium is the tool to use. Like Ghost, Medium is simple & easy to understand, which is one of its major advantages over WordPress. Because Medium has social networking as one of its most vital features the platform offers a much larger audience for content creators meaning you are more likely to get exposure for your work when you use medium.


Although more popular as a Website builder, Squarespace is another popular WordPress alternative that works just great as a blogging platform as well. Squarespace’s simplicity makes it quite great for beginner bloggers. Setting up a blog with Squarespace is easy as hosting & domain name are provided as part of the full service. Squarespace lacks the additional functionalities provided by plugins & add-ons but makes up for it by being an easy to use simple drag & drop builder for blogs & small-scale websites.


Yahoo-owned Tumblr is definitely not your everyday WordPress alternative. But there is a good reason it deserves a place on this list. Not everyone wants to publish long blog posts or need the full customization features that WordPress offers. In such a case, a micro-blogging platform like Tumblr is a great alternative especially if all you want to do is publish short pieces like quotes, poems, & very short articles. Tumblr is an interesting platform for this with lots of features that you will love.


Drupal is a full content management system that bears close similarities to WordPress but offers even far more features & customization capability. It can potentially handle large amounts of data & offers high-level security & protection for user data. This makes Drupal top choice for those looking to create blogs for enterprise & corporate organizations.  On the flip side, Drupal is a lot more complicated to work with. Beginners will have a hard time navigating its features although expert will find it quite a robust platform to work with.


WordPress is quite a versatile platform but it might not always offer what you need. You can take a look at some of the other blogging platforms of this list that are viable alternatives to WordPress for blogging.  You should find the right one for you based on your needs & preferences.


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