Web · 2022-08-10

“Better Feedback” uses AI to structure feedback into an actionable resource – Startups

Customer feedback is a vital resource for improving any enterprise. Understanding what clients want is key to success. However, most businesses acquire their feedback via a variety of mechanisms such as surveys, reviews, online forms, in house physical collection, Intercom conversations & many others. Once collected, feedback is often lost, because it’s difficult to access, assimilate & organize into meaningful data that can be actioned on.

Better Feedback is a SaaS startup founded by Rafal Muszynski that offers a solution to organizing scattered feedback & analyzing it in a useful manner. The platform uses GPT-3 powered AI tools to tag, sort & structure customer feedback for their users in one place & under an easy-to-use dashboard of tools.

The solution offered by Better Feedback allows users to filter their data, gain an overview of common issues clients have with their products & easily discover what their clients like about their businesses. The software saves users loads of time because there’s no longer a need to attempt to understand a dissimulated set of data, everything is organised, categorised & actionable.

The platform automatically classifies incoming feedback & uses a vector based data structure so that users can search through their feedback using ordinary question-based English. The platform also sends out weekly emails that include trending tags & customer sentiment ratings. Better Feedback, also offers qualitative feedback analysis so that businesses can use the information to make informed decisions that will improve their bottom line. Basically, the tool gives users a summary of their customers’ sentiment across their industry.

The software works with hundreds of 3rd party tools, especially those with Zapier integration & the company gives users a 7-day trial to work with their tools free of charge so that they can see if they find them useful.

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