Web · 2019-10-21

A new way of sharing Online Content – Startups

The Internet is a big place & finding the desired Content Online sometimes feels like searching for a needle in a haystack.

While search engines make it easier to find Websites that answer your questions, the fact that search results are generated by corporate algorithms & are typically cluttered with ads is a major limitation. This is the goal behind the creation of Get Kelvin, a new platform aimed at revolutionizing the way we find & share Content on the Internet. 

Rather than rely on machines & algorithms to help you find what you need Online, GetKelvin is a “word of mouth” search engine. What this means is that users on this platform can rely on a community of users who rate, review & organize Websites into collections. This way it is easier to find Websites that are truly interesting & get “real” answers to your questions fast. 

The team behind getting Kelvin claims that the platform will operate a community-driven approach to create an experience of a new Internet curated entirely by users. Registered users on this platform will be able to create their collections of favorite Websites & access that of others as well. Collection can be sorted, filtered & rated based on personal opinions about them. This system also makes it possible to either review Sites or find reviews about a Website before you even click it to check its Content. 

You can easily create public collections on this platform by making use of the “add Site” button. Alternatively, you can download the browser extension currently available for Chrome & Firefox with more to be added in the nearest future. Users can add as many Sites as they want & create beautiful collections based on your interest. You can share how you feel about a site using the emoji slider feature as well. 

Get Kelvin is also a fun & interesting way to connect with people & find new interests. You can connect with other users in the community or make use of the “encounter site” button that suggests completely random Sites for you to help you find & possibly explore other niches you may be unfamiliar with. 

Browsing the Internet is often isolated, & uninteresting, especially when you don’t know the right places to look. With the Get Kelvin Online community, your Online experience will be less lonely & more organized.

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