Mobile · 2015-05-15

Duda inSite DIY mobile Website builder tool allows individual visitor personalization

Duda’s Do It Yourself (DIY) mobile Website builder platform DudaOne has just added a feature called inSite that allows you to show each visitor a different version of the Website that is personalized to match each specific visitor.

inSite creates dynamic Web Content based on customer behavior & variables such as the time of day or week, location, the device used to access the mobile Website, the number of visits, etc.

Research by Econsultancy has shown that 94% that Website personalization was 1 of the key factors for business growth & success. But the technical know-how & resources it takes to implement this individually for a mobile Website was typically too heavy for a new small business or Online venture.

This is where Duda steps with its DudaOne DIY Website builder & tools within it such as inSite. DudaOne users can try inSite free for a month, & subscribe to it at US $19/month afterwards.

You can create a DudaOne mobile Website as a DIY project with no technical or Website design & development knowledge. Within that, you can then create a large number of ‘inSites’ matching all the different variables you can think of.

For example, nearby visitors using a smartphone or Tablet can be shown a click-to-call or maps button. First time visitors can be shown a contact form, while returning visitors can be shown a social sharing or follow button.

You can similarly change the look & feel based on the date or week, for festivals & holidays or special sale & discount offer periods. It basically makes a Website smarter in its response & interaction with visitors, bringing your Online presence closer to the physical experience you offer to your shoppers.

The best part is still that it is a DIY mobile Website builder tool that will help you implement dynamic Website personalization (DWP) without a heavy investment.

Itai Sadan, CEO & Co-founder of Duda, has claimed on the Site that “…Duda is the only DIY website builder to bring DWP features to our customers, & we’ve made it as simple as a few clicks.”

The Palo Alto, USA-based Duda was founded by Itai Sadan & Amir Glatt in April 2009, & 1st launched as a Website builder platform in 2010.Duda now hosts over five million websites through its site builder platforms. The company has raised $18.6 million through three funding rounds.

Image Credit: Duda




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