Web · 2017-06-22

Customize your Gmail signature with ‘Blade’

gmail, red

Image from Find Icons

Building you personal brand Online is essential for boosting sales. Therefore, it calls for the need to have an impressive email signature, among other things, to help you ace your email communication. ‘Blade’ is a Chrome browser extension that helps you create & manage your signature on Gmail, allowing you to choose from multiple customizable professional email signatures.

This browser extension is easy to install with the developers claiming that you’ll need less than 30 seconds to set it up. From the signature you’ve chosen, Blade allows you to customize them with custom color & branding options. In addition, you can easily switch between signatures, quite easily allowing you to swap back & forth.

After installation of the extension, you can now open your Gmail. Blade gives you a walk through to show you how to get to the signature for customization. Currently, Blade’s free signatures are just simple heading & subheadings, but the developers claim they’ll be adding more signature combinations soon.

It uses ant.design for UX & User Interface in addition to a combined style components which allows easier iteration of the extension. Other than Blade, you can easily create a signature on other sites such as HTMLSig using the Google settings. However, the developers claim that with Blade unlike with Google settings option where you can use only one signature, you can switch between signatures.

Blade was developed by Gavin, Jordan Gonen & Henry Kaufman, who are also the developers of Templates for Gmail, a Chrome extension that allows you to not only create but also customize Gmail templates in your inbox. The startup headquarters is in Panama.

Click here to download Blade from Chrome Webstore.


– This is a startup profile based on publicly available material & not a review – 



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