Internet related News · 2018-07-27

This is a different passport – News

Instant messaging service, which this Website has been reporting on for some time now, Telegram has launched another unique service, ‘Telegram Passport’.

This one is a “unified authorization method” for services that require personal identification. Which means in real life, this is like your passport, hence the name. All you need to is upload your documents once, then instantly share your data with services that require real world ID.

As is the norm with Telegram, your identity documents & personal data will be stored in the Telegram Cloud using end-to-end encryption. Even to the Telegram team, this data will be just random gibberish, so even it cannot access your private info.

In the future, all Telegram Passport data will move to a decentralized Cloud.

If you’d like to see a real life implementation of Telegram Passport, head over to – the first electronic payments system to support registration & verification with Telegram Passport.


You can also try out how Telegram Passport works using this page to request data.

Image Credit: Telegram


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