Internet related News · 2022-10-03

Spyware found hidden in Microsoft logo – News

Hackers are getting more & more innovative. Now, they have managed to insert spyware in an old Windows logo in attacks against govts in the Middle East.

Spyware found hidden in Microsoft logo using stenography –

Internet snoops has been caught concealing spyware in an old Windows logo in an attack on governments in the Middle East. The Witchetty gang used steganography to stash backdoor Windows malware, dubbed Backdoor.Stegmap, in the bitmap image. “Although rarely used by attackers, if successfully executed, steganography can be leveraged to disguise malicious code in seemingly innocuous-looking image files,” researchers at Symantec’s Threat Hunter Team wrote this week.

Link: Spyware found hidden in Microsoft logo using stenography

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