Web · 2021-08-06

“Snapdrop” makes it easy to transfer files between devices – Startups

transfer files between devices

If you’ve ever felt the need to transfer files between devices, & found tools such as Airdrop cumbersome to work with, then perhaps this startup “Snapdrop” might be just the service you’ve been looking for.

Snapdrop is easy to use & transfer files between devices within the browser, without the need to login to the service. Additionally, the files can be transferred between iOS, Android & PCs since the system is browser based.

To initiate Snapdrop’s service, simply open the Website’s URL on 2 different devices, which are on the same network (Internet service connection), then select the type of file you want to transfer, such as image, video, camera footage or an attachment. Click on the file & it will instantly appear on the device you want to transfer it to. The device will notify you about the transfer & ask you to accept it. Once this easy process is complete you can download the file to your device.

Snapdrop claims it does not store your files on their server at any time, the service works on any Chromium-based browser (such as, Chrome, Edge, Brave) – the system uses a P2P (Peer to Peer) connection & works if the WebRTC protocol is supported by the browser. WebRTC uses a Signaling Server, it is only used to establish a connection & all data is encrypted during file transfer(which makes it safe to use).

The Website has a simple interface & immediately prompts users to get on with the job at hand. The only option available on the dashboard is to select either a dark or light theme to suit your preference. According to Snapdrop’s Github repository the service is “a study in radical simplicity”, it performs its task briskly & without ado, which is exactly what users are looking for when it comes to transferring files.

The service offers a variety of device specific apps for Android, iOS & Desktop, which is great for those who prefer to navigate on device rather than use a Web page. So as you can easy how easy it is now to transfer files between devices.

Image credit: Snapdrop

You may also want to read: How To Transfer Files From Android Device To PC

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