Software · 2021-07-19

Here comes Microsoft’s own Linux: CBL-Mariner – Software


Microsoft has released CBL-Mariner, a free & open source Cloud infrastructure operating system based on Linux. It is used in Microsoft Azure & in the Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 to provide the ability of running Linux graphical user interface apps on Windows 10.

Common Base Linux (CBL)-Mariner is designed to provide “a consistent platform for these devices & services.”

In its GitHub home, CBL-Mariner is described as “…an internal Linux distribution for Microsoft’s cloud infrastructure and edge products and services.” This initiative is part of Microsoft’s increasing investment in a wide range of Linux technologies, such as SONiC, Azure Sphere OS & Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL). CBL-Mariner is being shared publicly as part of Microsoft’s commitment to Open Source & to contribute back to the Linux community. CBL-Mariner does not change our approach or commitment to any existing 3rd-party Linux distribution offerings.

CBL-Mariner has been engineered with the notion that a small common core set of packages can address the universal needs of 1st party Cloud & Edge services while allowing individual teams to layer additional packages on top of the common core to produce images for their workloads. This is made possible by a simple build system that enables:

Package Generation: This produces the desired set of RPM packages from SPEC files & source files.
Image Generation: This produces the desired image artifacts like ISOs or VHDs from a given set of packages.

For more, click here.

Image by Clker-Free-Vector-Images from Pixabay

Say hi to Microsoft’s own Linux: CBL-Mariner – ZDNet

Ok, so it’s not named MS-Linux or Lindows, but Microsoft now has its very own, honest-to-goodness general-purpose Linux distribution: Common Base Linux, (CBL)-Mariner. And, just like any Linux distro, you can download it and run it yourself. Amazing isn’t it? Why the next thing you know Microsoft will let you run Windows applications on Linux!

Link: Say hi to Microsoft’s own Linux: CBL-Mariner

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