Artificial Intelligence · 2019-12-05

OKDO brings AI to makers, startups & educators with NVIDIA Jetson Nano kit – AI

This article was 1st published on our sister Site, The Internet Of All Things.

OKdo, part of Electrocomponents plc, announced today its continued intention to supercharge its growth by adding the NVIDIA Jetson Nano Developer Kit to its range.

The Jetson Nano Developer Kit comes with out-of-the-box support for full desktop Linux, compatible with many peripherals and accessories, ready-to-use projects and tutorials to help makers get started.  The Jetson platform brings once unimaginable artificial intelligence(AI) applications within the reach of makers, inventors, designers and engineers.

The Jetson Nano is an AI development kit offering high-performance and power-efficient computing. It’s built on the same architecture and software that powers the world’s fastest supercomputers.  It also features NVIDIA’s JetPack SDK, which is built on CUDA-X and is a complete AI software stack with accelerated libraries for deep learning, computer vision, computer graphics and multimedia processing to support the Jetson Nano.

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