digital marketing · 2022-03-29

Facebook’s “Interest Targeting” off by about 30%: Study – Digital marketing

A group of researchers from the North Carolina State University has found that about 30% of Facebook’s inferred interests are inaccurate or irrelevant. Inferred interests is FB’s way of targeting audience for advertising.

New Study Finds Facebook’s Interest Targeting is Inaccurate Around 30% of the Time –

So how accurate are Facebook’s ad targeting options anyway? The platform has made headlines in recent years over its intricate audience targeting process, which learns about your traits and interests based on in-app activity, then funnels that info into its ad targeting engine, enabling brands to present their offers to the most engaged, receptive audience through its various display options.

Link: New Study Finds Facebook’s Interest Targeting is Inaccurate Around 30% of the Time

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