Cognitive computing · 2022-01-21

Meta AI announces first self-supervised algorithm that works for speech, vision, & text – AI

This article was 1st published on our sister Site, The Internet Of All Things.

Meta AI has announced ‘data2vec’, the first high-performance self-supervised algorithm that works for speech, vision, and text.

Meta AI said in a blog post that it had applied data2vec separately to speech, images and text, and found it outperformed the previous best single-purpose algorithms for computer vision and speech. “It also represents a new paradigm of holistic self-supervised learning, where new research improves multiple modalities rather than just one,” it said in the post.

It also does not rely on contrastive learning or reconstructing the input example. In addition to helping accelerate progress in AI, data2vec brings it closer to building machines that learn seamlessly about different aspects of the world around them. “It will enable us to develop more adaptable AI, which we believe will be able to perform tasks beyond what today’s systems can do,” said Meta AI.

As part of this announcement, Meta has shared code and pretrained models on data2vec so that others in the research community can build upon it too.

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