e-Why, What & How · 2019-11-29

Google reCAPTCHAs a privacy threat?

We all know about reCAPTCHAs, but apparently these gather a lot of private information. Here’s why these thingies are bad for privacy.

Google’s ReCAPTCHAs Also Capture Your Private Information – MakeUseOf

CAPTCHAs are great for security, but terrible for your privacy.

Interesting fact: you actually rarely encounter an original CAPTCHA. They’ve largely been supplanted by reCAPTCHAs, a system owned by search engine giant, Google. And in an effort to stop spambots, reCAPTCHAs have evolved so much, they’re now a threat to your privacy.

Link: https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/google-recaptcha-captures-private-information/

Via: MakeUseOf

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