Internet related News · 2021-04-22

Google Meet gets more features – News

 A new design, a data saver plan are some of the new features added to Google Meet.

Google said in a blog post that in order to support video calls when you’re on the go, it had introduced “Data Saver” feature this month. This limited data usage on mobile networks to allow you & the person you’re calling to save on data costs, which is especially important in countries where data costs can be high, like India, Indonesia & Brazil. 

It was last year that Google had introduced the low-light mode for Meet on mobile, using artificial intelligence to automatically adjust your video to make you more visible if you’re in a dark environment. Now, Google Meet on the Web automatically detects when a user appears underexposed & enhances the brightness to improve their visibility. Light adjustment will be rolling out to Meet users everywhere in the coming weeks.

To know about the other features, click here.

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