News snapshots · 2019-08-02

Facebook open sources 2 technologies – Quick wrap

Social network Facebook has said it was “open-sourcing” 2 technologies that detect identical & nearly identical photos & videos in order to stop the abuse on its platform, & to keep “the Internet safe.”

These algorithms will be open-sourced on GitHub so that FB’s industry partners, smaller developers & non-profits can use them to more easily identify abusive Content & share hashes — or digital fingerprints — of different types of harmful Content.

“In just one year, we witnessed a 541% increase in the number of child sexual abuse videos reported by the tech industry to the CyberTipline. We’re confident that Facebook’s generous contribution of this open-source technology will ultimately lead to the identification and rescue of more child sexual abuse victims,” wrote John Clark, President and CEO of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC).

You may click here to read the rest of the post.

Image Credit: Mediamodifier

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