digital marketing / Web · 2021-06-24

“Dialogue: – an AI driven shopping assistant for e-commerce – Startups

Selling Online in today’s crowded market is a challenge, the offerings are diverse & competitive. Online stores need to have a secret arsenal of “weapons” if they hope to succeed. Dialogue could be just the tool to level the playing ground & give your store the upper edge.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is the buzz at present, & “Dialogue” offers both, the advantage & performance of enhanced machine learning to convert potential shoppers into customers when they visit your e-commerce store. Instead of a one-size-fits-all solution, Dialogue tailors each store’s content response to accommodate individual users’ needs.

The platform showcases a number of use cases, which traverse particular client’s e-commerce stories. It demonstrates the advantage achieved when using AI-driven assistance when assessing shoppers’ requirements – in a physical shop an assistant will assess a shopper’s needs & offer concrete solutions to their problems, they will peruse their store’s inventory & suggest the best product for the client. Dialogue’s software promises to do the same thing, if not more – suggesting an answer to the clients’ exact requirements.

The software tool can be booked for demonstration on Dialogue’s Website so that potential clients can see for themselves how the software generates messages automatically based on an audience’s specific preferences & sales patterns. Dialogue offers measured responses to a shopper during their Online journey on a Website. These prompts give clients a deeper understanding of the products on offer in the manner similar to the assistance that they might receive in a brick-and-mortar store, which leads to better conversion & increased sales.

The system is powered by ML, but backed by humans. Each solution is personalized to the client’s business & customer needs. Once implemented, Dialogue’s software is maintenance free & fully automatic. Dialogue can best be described as a tool that gives customers the final push needed for them to add a product to their cart using auto-generated emotionally-driven messages, which are generated by their trademarked tool called Persuader. So, if your Online store could use a boost head over to Dialogue’s website & book a demo.

Image credit: Dialogue

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