Web · 2021-10-05

“Clink” offers a free custom-built profile landing page – Startups

Social media users often want to showcase their profile to their followers. For this, they may include links to their overall Online presence as well as a description of who they are & what they do. But creating a bio page link is not easy. Also, finding a resource to effect this aim that doesn’t cost an arm & a leg is, really, rather difficult. Clink, a landing page maker, solves this problem.

bio page link

Clink is free & users do not need to sign up to utilize the resource. The UI is simple to use & achieves its aim in minutes. Users are offered an easy to understand click-to-edit interface to build a profile landing page, which they can then share on social media to inform their followers about things that count, such as the links to their Website, various social network links where they are active, & so forth.

The UI offered by Clink might be easy to use, but it’s very powerful nevertheless. Users can upload a profile image, easily add links to their Online locations, & offer a description of what they do. The landing page, once made, is permanently hosted by Clink at no additional cost. The interface allows users to customize their page using a variety of fonts & colors as well as adding additional, heading-led information paragraphs to fill out their profile.

Users who don’t sign up for an account on Clink get a random URL to share, while those that do, receive a link which they can name appropriately. Obviously, it’s better to sign up because at least you’ll get a URL to the profile you’ve built that you can easily remember. As soon as you’ve built your page, Clink gives you the opportunity to share your profile across social networks.

Currently, Clink only offers to host & build a customized profile page, but they plan to develop facilities to add articles, additional HTML pages & even products to sell from your landing page. All this means that Clink is worth watching so that you don’t miss out on future offerings.

Image credit: Link

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