e-Why, What & How · 2016-10-13

Check out these new productive Firefox add-ons


Image from Iconfinder

What’s that 1 thing the Firefox browser from the house of Mozilla is known for? Add-ons! In fact, Firefox has easily the best & vetted extension libraries around so users also have some guarantee (read peace of mind) on security.

Here’s a list of some of the new productive Firefox add-ons that have been added of late:

1. Nimbus Screen Capture

Well, this Firefox add-on developed by Nimbus web allows you to capture & edit screenshots of Web pages. To capture the screen you can select an entire page or the visible part of the page. You can even select a blank screen & drop an image there for editing.

It’s settings are also simple. Nimbus Screen Capture gives you the option to save the images either as .jpeg or.png. In addition, it also has an image quality slider as well as customizable shortcut settings. After editing, you can save your image to Nimbus, your Local disk or even share it to your Google Drive.

2. Copy Plain Text

If you are an editor who does a lot of writing, then Copy Plain Text will come in handy. As its name suggests, it will copy everything in plain text. This Firefox add-on will leave all the italics, bolds & other formatting on when you copy & paste into your text field.

We all know how annoying it is when you copy something to Office from a Web page & the text formatting comes with it. Copy Plain text allows you to even set it from extra space in & around the text you have copied. It works with Firefox 1.0-3.5 .

3. Dictionary Tooltip

This is a Firefox add-on that will be beneficial to those who do not like to switch their tabs to see the meaning of a word. You simply click Ctrl+Shift+K or double-click it to see the meaning.

Dictionary Tooltip is ideal for any writer. It requires a restart of your browser for it to work after adding it.

4. Scrapbook

This one called Scrapbook works much like ‘Read it Later’ button. It lets you save pages for later readily easily. One difference is that Scrapbook has some greater features. E.g: Taking entire snippets off pages, saving whole Websites & searching within these snippets. You can also organize the snippets just like you would for bookmarks.

If you are a writer or editor, this could be the perfect Firefox add-on to help with your research. Scrapbook also has a multi-language support. In addition, it allows you to do a full-text search & quick filtering search of the snippet collection. Also, you can edit the collected Web page as well as use the Text/HTML edit feature.

5. Pocket

Most of the time we come across so many links, new stories & blogs in a day as we go surfing the Internet. Unfortunately, we can read all of these especially if you work Online. This is where Pocket, a bookmark & read-later Firefox extension comes into play.

Pocket sends the links you want to read later to their respective service, & strips them of annoying ads & formatting. They then give you a new readable version to return to later on. This Firefox add-on not only allows you save Web pages, but also videos. When you see an interesting video just click on the ‘Pocket button to save it.

Think you can add to this list? Suggest some of your fav add-ons & write in to whatsnewonthenet.com (at) gmail.com




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