Android set-top boxes are under attack from a botnet: study – IoT

This article was 1st published on our sister Site, The Internet Of All Things.

A study by the Internet of Things (IoT) cybersecurity firm WootCloud Labs has found a new botnet named “Ares” infecting Android devices due to a port being left exposes. Such Android set-top boxes are used for streaming media.

WootCloud has described it on its blog. The firm came upon suspicious behavior from Set Top Boxes (STB) via WootCloud’s HyperContext Device Security Solution. The WootCloud team then focused attention on investigating the infected set-top boxes.

It found that hackers had exploited and misused the Android ADB protocol, a communication component which is used by the majority of Android devices and associated client to debug and remotely manage them.

The Android Debug Bridge is a crucial component present in all of the Android devices. ADB comprises a client, server and the daemon named as adbd. Generally, the adb server runs as process that sets up the communication channel between the client and the daemon. In other words, the adb is a management component (tool) that is used by clients to trigger commands on the device running server and adbd as background processes.

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