Among developing countries India an “overperformer” in frontier tech, says UN body – News

This article was 1st published on our sister Site, The Internet Of All Things.

India is the biggest “overperformer” in frontier technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT) to name a few, according to a new country-readiness index released by the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development.

Announcing it from its Website, the UNCTAD report said the index spotlights developing countries that perform better on frontier technologies than their per capita GDPs would suggest.

Frontier technologies are those that take advantage of digitalization and connectivity. They include big data, blockchain, 5G, 3D printing, robotics, drones, gene editing, nanotechnology and solar photovoltaic.  It scores countries on their readiness for frontier technologies based on five building blocks: ICT deployment, skills, research and development (R&D), industry activity and access to finance.

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