Artificial Intelligence · 2023-07-27

AI Industry Body Launched – AI

Anthropic, Google, Microsoft, and OpenAI have joined forces to launch the “Frontier Model Forum”, a collaborative industry body committed to ensuring the safe and responsible development of frontier AI models.

The primary objectives of the Forum are as follows:

(i) Advance AI safety research: The Forum will actively promote the responsible development of frontier models while seeking to mitigate potential risks. By investing in AI safety research, they aim to establish guidelines and protocols that prioritize safety.

(ii) Identify safety best practices: Working collectively, the Forum intends to identify and establish best practices specifically tailored to the development of frontier AI models. These practices will serve as a foundation for building secure and reliable AI systems.

(iii) Share knowledge and collaboration: The Frontier Model Forum will foster knowledge-sharing among various stakeholders, including policymakers, academics, civil society, and others. By engaging in open dialogue, they aim to drive responsible AI development and address societal concerns.

(iv) Addressing societal challenges: The Forum recognizes the transformative potential of AI and will actively support initiatives that leverage AI to tackle some of society’s most pressing challenges.

To ensure strategic direction and alignment with its goals, the Frontier Model Forum will establish an Advisory Board comprising experts in AI and ethics.

The Forum extends an open invitation to other organizations involved in the development of frontier AI models, welcoming their participation and collaboration in the shared mission of advancing AI models safely and responsibly. By fostering a strong community of like-minded organizations, the Frontier Model Forum seeks to drive positive change in the AI landscape and make a lasting impact on the future of AI technology.

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