Web · 2022-11-07

“Savee” reduces costs by tracking tech stack that underlies an enterprise – Startups

Savee, founded by Jason Howie, tracks products used by businesses with the aim of reducing unnecessary spending. Savee follows more than 7000 products used by businesses & offers valuable information about these products to their users so that they can eliminate duplication & be aware of renewal dates & price increases.

The technology stack used by businesses, especially large enterprises, can quickly become bloated & costly. Often distinct teams exist at an enterprise who are working on projects that are divorced in nature & they don’t collaborate, meaning that they might, for instance, buy more than one subscription to Canva, Microsoft Office or Adobe. By using Savee, enterprises can easily eliminate this type of duplication.

The platform holds a database, which offers detailed information on technology stack vendors. Businesses can view, at a glance, detailed data on pricing, ratings, products & services offered. In this way they can make informed decisions about the type of product they acquire & obtain a list of alternative products that might be cheaper & just as effective.

As a service Savee gives users a complete rundown on the technology stack that underlies the performance of a business. The dashboard gives crucial information in graphic format so that businesses can get an overview of the products & services they use, be informed about the technology each product offers, find out about pricing & manage renewals when due.

Businesses can use Savee as a file storage system as well as a vendor tracking system. All contracts between user & vendor can be stored on Savee’s servers. The server is encrypted for security & the service tracks all elements involved, such as payment dates, subscription length & renewal dates.

The service is available for a fee. The platform, however, also offers a free service for small businesses who do not need more than 1 administrator & 3 general users.

Image credit: Savee

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