Software · 2019-01-23

10 popular health apps

10 popular health apps

mcmurryjulie / Pixabay

With the number of people focused on personal health maintenance on the rise world wide, any self-help application that does the job it advertises seems like a godsend, both, for saving on future medical costs, & for preserving a sense of personal well being.

Here are 10 popular health apps in different categories:

Food, Nutrition & Diet

My Fitness Pal

Android & Apple

Currently, one of the most downloaded apps on major app platforms, this app offers a food diary, nutritional bar scanner, fitness tracker, as well as a food-fact database for 6 million+ food types. The app seems good for general health assessment planning & monitoring. User driven, it is fact & information rich. It’s pie chart graphic interface allows for easy health monitoring. 


Android, Apple, Web

When it comes to meal planning, & selecting health options, Tasty has you covered. Regarded by millions as the most ‘go to’, app available on any platform, users are able to select settings which offer recipes with step-by-step videos, for almost any diet specific option you can imagine.


Sleep Cycle

Android, Apple

Sleep cycle is one of the popular health apps that helps you get a good night’s rest. The app uses the device’s built in microphone to monitor your sleep cycle, & only wakes you up during the ‘lightest’ moments, thereby allowing you to get that ultra necessary deep sleep shut-eye. The app also tracks & analyses you sleep patterns.


Apple, Android

Aimed at improving relaxation, meditation & self esteem, this app with its calming sleep-time stories, soothing audio & pretty pictures, is one of the most popular all-time downloaded applications. Various 7 day improvement plans are on offer to help you achieve better sleeping patterns, reduce anxiety & generally remain, well, calm. 



Android, Apple

With loads of follows along workouts in various categories this app is meant to maintain or improve your fitness level. The free app offers intense video workouts, & focuses on training, running, gym & nutrition. The paid app gets you a ‘Personal Trainer’ to design a personal fitness plan aimed at achieving results, based on your current fitness level. Socially connected, the app provides peer-to-peer motivation & the ability to compare progress reports. 

Pocket Yoga

Apple, Android

Audio & video instruction to assist you in improving & perfecting a variety of Yoga poses, this app helps you track your progress & reports on the number of calories burned. With support for adding your own music, & a wide number of devices, you can take your Yoga class wherever you go. 

Vital signs, physical health 

My Cardiac Coach

Apple, Andriod

Billed as a health improvement ‘toolkit’, this app assists in monitoring & tracking your blood pressure, weight & physical activity, all aimed at improving the health of your heart. For people with heart disease, the app helps track medication & connects you with others suffering similar symptoms.  

Doctors on Demand


Need to consult a doctor, but don’t have time? Then this is the app for you! It connects you with a doctor via live video call…quite ingenious, really.


Apple, Android

This app is for consulting medical information, the app includes a disease & drug guide as well as a section on the latest medical news.  

Natural Cycles


For women wanting to track their fertility cycles, this is a ‘must have app’. Known as the first ‘certified’ digital contraception method, this app comes with a thermometer for measuring your temperature every day, which is a guide to your fertility level. Studies in Sweden have given the app the green light to market itself as a contraception app, based on a 93.4% efficiency finding.


So readers, there’s really no excuse now. Download any of these apps & begin your journey to better health.

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